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NKJ  Romans 16:7 Greet Andronicus and Junia, my countrymen and my fellow prisoners, who are of note among the apostles, who also were in Christ before me. THEY WERE THE APOSTLE'S HELPERS IN CHRIST JESUS. Greet those of the household of Narcissus, who are in the Lord. ESV  Romans 16:9 Greet Urbanus, our fellow worker in Christ, and my beloved Stachys. Greet my dear friend Epenetus, who was the first convert to Christ in the province of Asia. Scripture: Romans 16:5–16. NJB  Romans 16:12 Greetings to Tryphaena and Tryphosa who work hard in the Lord; greetings to my dear friend Persis, also a very hard worker in the Lord. Aspirations after greater eminence in religion. What an epitaph to have -- we should all desire such a God glorifying affirmation of "Well done thou good and faithful servant." THOUGHT - Would Paul call you "_______ the toiler?" (3) It is by forwardness in religion that you become entitled to the constant aids of God's grace.(J. Because he is not greeted, it seems certain he was not a Christian. 5 Greet also the church that meets at their house. Persis doubtless received her name from her native land of Persia. Greet my beloved Epenetus, who was the first convert to Christ in the province of Asia. I knew a person who when he began his work had but one person to sit at his feet. | 123 views. THIS FORWARDNESS IS COMMENDABLE.1. It is regarding things according to their nature and importance.6. All have now this call in their youth.2. Let us consider a single expository topic, “A Plea for Christian Conduct Based on Divine Mercy,” from Romans 12:1-2, a most familiar passage of Scripture. Greet my dear friend Persis, another woman who has worked very hard in the Lord. In chapter 11 Paul used this metaphor (first fruits) in explaining how Gentile salvation had Jewish roots writing... "And if the first piece (first fruit = Abraham who was holy or set apart by God) of dough be holy, the lump is also; and if the root be holy, the branches (Gentile converts, the see of Abraham) are too." For you are our glory and joy" (1Th 2:19, 20-ntoe). 1. On account of its usefulness. He gave to Christ the firstfruits, if not of life itself, yet of that part of life in which he was favoured with the heavenly call. PHOEBE WAS A SERVANT OF GOD. Thus Paul gives Mary a very high compliment when he says she worked very hard for you. Which describes you? NLT  Romans 16:7 Greet Andronicus and Junia, my fellow Jews, who were in prison with me. THEY HAD A CHURCH IN THEIR HOUSE. Who have for my life laid down their necks, Likewise greet the Church which is in their house, Salute my well-beloved Epaenetus, who is the firstfruits of Achaia unto Christ. Greater societies are formed from smaller; Churches grow out of families; and the spirit and complexion of the latter will be transfused through the former. A maintenance of the profession and practice of it, though it should involve the charge of singularity. (Jn 6:63), Later He said "I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing (HOW MUCH?)." YLT  Romans 16:6 Salute Mary, who did labour much for us; GREET MARY WHO HAS WORKED HARD FOR YOU: aspasasthe (2PAAM) Marian, etis polla ekopiasen (3SAAI) eis humas: Compare this verse with Paul's exhortation to those who had presented themselves to God as living sacrifices (Romans 12:1; 12:7; 12:11-see notes Ro 12:1; 12:7; 12:11). Chalmers in his fascinating book on New Guinea gives us the name of the first female convert in New Guinea. NKJ  Romans 16:8 Greet Amplias, my beloved in the Lord. The Christian is zealous to maintain good works, and abounds in the proper fruits of the Spirit. Greet my beloved Epaenetus, who is the firstfruits of [] Achaia to Christ. Employers are beginning to find out that God-fearing men and God-fearing women are not the worst servants. MacArthur comments that...The phrase outstanding among the apostles could have one of several meanings. Greek: aspasasthe (AAM) Truphainan kai Truphosan tas kopiosas (PAPFPA) en kurio. Greet those who belong to the family of Aristobulus. Salute my wellbeloved Epaenetus, who is the firstfruits of Achaia unto Christ. This forward Christian doubtless assisted Paul greatly.6. All have now this call in their youth. 1 I commend to you Phoebe our sister, who is a servant of the church in Cenchrea, 2 that you may receive her in the Lord in a manner worthy of the saints, and assist her in whatever business she has need of you; for indeed she has been a helper of many and of myself also. The maxim of many in our time seems to be to take all the pay they can and render as little service as possible. Greet my dear friend Epenetus, who was the first convert to Christ in the province of Asia. Un Falso Testigo Que Dice Mentiras. As an evidence of sincerity.2. There are many who are forward in little matters; zealous for or against opinions, forms, etc., but this is only forwardness in a party design. Romans 16:5 Context. 2. But so is something more. The Christian pair, animated by one soul, will readily participate in each other's labours and sorrows, and will cheerfully communicate to each other their own pleasures and joys. James tells us that God hath begotten us "that we should be a kind of firstfruits of His creatures" (Revelation 14:4). A. Paul's emphasis should likewise be our emphasis -- anything we are, anything we do in ministry is all from Him and to Him and through Him. He also refers to "our sister," "servant," "helper," "fellow worker," "beloved," "countrymen," "fellow prisoners," "brethren," and "saints.". (NASB: Lockman). 3 Greet Priscilla [] and Aquila, my co-workers in Christ Jesus. Early religion. Worked hard (2872)(kopiao from kopos = labor, fatigue) This root word kopos (see word study) is used in secular Greek of “a beating,” “weariness” (as though one had been beaten) and “exertion,” was the proper word for physical tiredness induced by work, exertion or heat. Greet the beloved Persis, who has worked hard in the Lord. ἀσπάσασθε τοὺς ἐκ τῶν Ναρκίσσου τοὺς ὄντας ἐν κυρίῳ. (1) This is the command of Christ. GNT  Romans 16:11 ἀσπάσασθε Ἡρῳδίωνα τὸν συγγενῆ μου. (Romans 16), A Heart Full Of People - Paul's letter to the Romans is considered the theological centerpiece of the New Testament. Aspirations after greater eminence in religion.II. (2) This is the direction of the apostle. Κατʼ οἷκον, in the house) When any Christian was the possessor of a spacious mansion, he gave it as a place for meeting together. Chicago: Moody Press, Our Daily Bread, Copyright RBC Ministries, Grand Rapids, MI. 5 Likewise greet the church that is in their house. YLT  Romans 16:11 salute Herodion, my kinsman; salute those of the household of Narcissus, who are in the Lord; NAB  Romans 16:11 Greet my relative Herodion. Strive to enter in at the straight gate. "Thrice blest whose lives are faithful prayers,Whose loves in higher love endure.What souls possess themselves so pure?Or is there blessedness like theirs?" If your employer's children are committed to your care, how scrupulous you should be regarding them! Living as a Christian is not a bed of roses; it is hard work. ae, + 2 so that you may welcome her in the Lord in a way worthy of the holy ones and give her whatever help she may need, + for she herself also proved to be a defender of many, including me. MacArthur adds that kopiao "does not stress the amount of work, but rather the effort. This information could only have come via letters or reports from other believers who had been at Rome. Lathrop, D.D.The firstfruits under the law were an offering made to God of the first ripe fruits before the harvest was begun. ASV. Sweet Tea For The Soul: Devotions To Comfort The Heart. That is to say, she was a helper of God's people. Christ’s resurrection is the “first fruit of those who have fallen asleep” (1Cor 15:20), and like the first fruits of the harvest, it is a taste and a guarantee of the full harvest of resurrection yet to come. To physically become worn out, weary or faint. Lathrop, D.D.The firstfruits under the law were an offering made to God of the first ripe fruits before the harvest was begun. Labours to promote it among others. Romans 16:5 Also give my greetings to the church that meets in their home. You need not boast that you would be willing to lay down your necks for him if required. She devoted her means and her time to assisting the poor and the helpless. An open profession of it, and a diligent attendance on the means of it.3. "Thrice blest whose lives are faithful prayers, The Conclusion of the Epistle as a Revelation of Paul's C, The Salutations to the Church At Rome Prove that Christianity, The Truly Honourable in the Church of Christ, Whom Does the Apostle Distinguish as Worthy of the Highest Estimation, A Christian Family Helping Their Minister, The Unbounded Affection of Priscilla and Aquila for Paul, "phoebe Our Sister:" A Sermon To Young Women, A Christian family helping their minister, The unbounded affection of Priscilla and Aquila for Paul. KJ21. It would appear that she was a lady of some means. Note that Paul uses the perfect tense ("were") to indicate that they were at the time of writing still in Christ. As an evidence of sincerity.2. Indeed that is who we are in the Father's eyes! In —1. There are many young women whose lives are absolutely wasted, who are utterly wretched and miserable, for want of something to do. Strive to enter in at the straight gate. Reprinted by permission. Because it is in the highest degree rational. BBE  Romans 16:9 Give my love to Urbanus, a worker in Christ with us, and to my dear Stachys. I. )Firstfruits unto ChristJ. And you need to share it without fear with those who are dead in their trespasses and sins! BGT  Romans 16:12 ἀσπάσασθε Τρύφαιναν καὶ Τρυφῶσαν τὰς κοπιώσας ἐν κυρίῳ. (Romans 11:16-note) Just as the first handful of ripened grain is a pledge of the entire harvest to follow, so the Holy Spirit is our pledge or guarantee that the full inheritance will be ours. It is also of note that in addition to Mary, Paul places emphasis on the strenuous labor to the point of exhaustion of 3 other women , Tryphena, Tryphosa and Persis (see notes on Romans 16:12). It is a spiritual activity here spoken of! Certainly not merely in getting chicken dinners for preachers! Loving Your Neighbor as Yourself. On account of its usefulness. Labours to promote it among others. Stuart. KJV  Romans 16:7 Salute Andronicus and Junia, my kinsmen, and my fellowprisoners, who are of note among the apostles, who also were in Christ before me. Bible > Romans > Chapter 16 > Verse 5 Library • Free Downloads • eBibles A      Access  (Romans 5:1-11) – The benefits of justification Romans 16:9 Greet Urbanus, our fellow worker in Christ, and Stachys my beloved. Do you notice what Paul says about them here? When Paul calls his beloved Epaenetus the firstfruits, he intimates that a rich harvest followed. A zeal for great and essential things. A servant of God will not be the servant of this world. And, for each one, he selects a special word concerning them that is characteristic of them. "Seek first the kingdom of God." HOW A FORWARDNESS IN RELIGION MAY DISCOVER ITSELF. William Newell makes an interesting comment = Now in what did their "labor" consist? (This, by the way, is the proper place for the church to meet.) Did not he take note of that person? He was in early life about His Father's business.5. GREET ANDRONICUS (man of victory) and JUNIAS (masculine or feminine) MY KINSMEN and MY FELLOW PRISONERS (literally fellow-captives in war): aspasasthe (2PAAM) Andronikon kai Iounian tous suggeneis mou kai sunaichmalotous mou: Although "kinsman" normally refers to blood relatives, it can be extended to include fellow countrymen and in the context of this epistle probably refers to fellow Jews who are in Christ (cf "kinsman" in Ro 9:3 [note]). Greet those in the Lord who belong to the family of Narcissus. 4 They risked their lives for meNot only I but all the churches of the Gentiles are grateful to them. For a considerable part of the time that he preached in Corinth, he abode in their house. He was the first person from the province of Asia to become a follower of Christ. Not only was she the beloved, suggesting (by the definite article the) she was loved by everyone who knew her, but she also was one who had worked hard in the Lord. (1) This is the command of Christ. ἀσπάσασθε τοὺς ἐκ τῶν Ἀριστοβούλου. At the time of Paul’s conversion, most converts were still living in or near Jerusalem, where several of the Twelve were leaders in the church. As an imitation of Christ. God the Father uses this same word describing Jesus declaring that, This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well-pleased (Mt 3:17), In fact the first 9 uses in the NT are of God the Father speaking of Christ, His beloved Son. I. PHOEBE WAS A SERVANT. YLT  Romans 16:8 Salute Amplias, my beloved in the Lord; GREET AMPLIATUS, MY BELOVED IN THE LORD : aspasasthe (2PAAM) Ampliaton ton agapeton mou en kurio: (Ro 16:5, 8, 9, 12) (Phil 4:1 1Jn 3:14). Stuart. By your forwardness you will contribute to this increase.4. It is regarding things according to their nature and importance.6. ALSO GREET THE CHURCH THAT IS IN THEIR HOUSE: kai ten kat oikon auton ekklesiai: Greet (in aorist imperative = salute, embrace, pay respects) (782)(aspazomai from a + spao = draw out as a sword, pull, breathe) means to enfold in arms, to welcome, to embrace. To salute one (not in a military sense), greet, bid, wish well to. This forward Christian doubtless assisted Paul greatly.6. All the preparations that are made for it and the expectation of weeks and months -- everybody is holding their breath waiting for the baby to come. They are well known to the apostles, and they were in Christ before me. The slothful, negligent Christian emboldens sinners in their transgressions, and confirms them in their stupidity. Greet my dear friend Persis, who has worked very hard in the Lord. Because it is in the highest degree rational. In this verse Paul uses episemos in a figurative sense to describe a "good mark" meaning those who is well–thought–of, splendid, outstanding, distinguished, eminent or illustrious. And a woman's influence is often powerful for good where even a Christian man would utterly fail to reach the hardened heart. He spoke about how the church dominated the landscape and politics in certain areas, but how weak and ineffective it was in its ministry. ἀσπάσασθε Ἐπαίνετον τὸν ἀγαπητόν μου, ὅς ἐστιν ἀπαρχὴ τῆς Ἀσίας εἰς Χριστόν. NLT  Romans 16:9 Greet Urbanus, our co-worker in Christ, and my dear friend Stachys. But he needs protection for his character, tranquility and health. The Christian is zealous to maintain good works, and abounds in the proper fruits of the Spirit.5. There is no subject on which young women in our towns and cities need to be more plainly warned than the choice of their companions of both sexes. ASV  Romans 16:6 Salute Mary, who bestowed much labor on you. John Piper Oct 8, 2006 9 Shares Sermon. Beloved (27) (agapetos from agapao = to love, agape = unconditional love borne by Spirit - Gal 5:22-note) means beloved, dear, very much loved. He is honoured by the increase of His subjects. Greet Persis the beloved, who has worked hard in the Lord (NASB: Lockman). There are many who are forward in little matters; zealous for or against opinions, forms, etc., but this is only forwardness in a party design. Greet those who belong to the family of Aristobulus. Chalmers in his fascinating book on New Guinea gives us the name of the first female convert in New Guinea. People just got together where they could for larger meetings...(Prisca and Aquila) were a mighty influence for Christ wherever they went. Paul goes out of his way to use the perfect tense often when speaking of salvation, which emphasizes the eternal security of the believer, for the perfect tense is descriptive of a an event that has occurred in the past with present continuing results or effects. Read verse in New Living Translation 2. 3. Greet those in the household of Narcissus who are in the Lord. Learn more. 21-Day Plan for Busy Women: A Rich and Satisfying Life. Romans 16:5 Parallel. We have no promise of success on any other condition. Greek: aspasasthe (AAM) Marian, etis polla ekopiasen (3SAAI) eis humas. I said to him, "Mr. James tells us that God hath begotten us "that we should be a kind of firstfruits of His creatures" (Revelation 14:4). ... One who first embraced Christianity under my preaching in Achaia. Epaenetus enjoyed not your early advantages, but it seems probable that he accepted the first invitation to Christ. They are highly respected among the apostles and became followers of Christ before I did. - C.H.I. 5. THIS FORWARDNESS IS COMMENDABLE.1. Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Romans 16:5. Excellence combined with diligence mark a man worthy of the highest honor. BGT  Romans 16:9 ἀσπάσασθε Οὐρβανὸν τὸν συνεργὸν ἡμῶν ἐν Χριστῷ καὶ Στάχυν τὸν ἀγαπητόν μου. Paul had a deep and sincere love for fellow believers and for fellow workers in particular, no matter how little known they were or how insignificant their service was from a purely human perspective. IVP, MacArthur, J: Romans 9-16. Epaenetus professed the religion of the gospel when all around him were in a different sentiment and practice.4. This little phrase reveals a couple of blessings that were enjoyed by this great Christian family.) Kopiao speaks of intense toil even to the point of utter exhaustion if necessary. Agapetos could be translated “divinely loved ones.”. )Firstfruits unto ChristJ. Agapetos - 61x in 60v - Matt 3:17; 12:18; 17:5; Mark 1:11; 9:7; 12:6; Luke 3:22; 20:13; Acts 15:25; Rom 1:7; 11:28; 12:19; 16:5, 8f, 12; 1 Cor 4:14, 17; 10:14; 15:58; 2 Cor 7:1; 12:19; Eph 5:1; 6:21; Phil 2:12; 4:1; Col 1:7; 4:7, 9, 14; 1 Thess 2:8; 1 Tim 6:2; 2 Tim 1:2; Philemon 1:1, 16; Heb 6:9; Jas 1:16, 19; 2:5; 1 Pet 2:11; 4:12; 2 Pet 1:17; 3:1, 8, 14f, 17; 1 John 2:7; 3:2, 21; 4:1, 7, 11; 3 John 1:1f, 5, 11; Jude 1:3, 17, 20. NKJ  Romans 16:10 Greet Apelles, approved in Christ. GNT  Romans 16:12 ἀσπάσασθε Τρύφαιναν καὶ Τρυφῶσαν τὰς κοπιώσας ἐν κυρίῳ. GNT  Romans 16:5 καὶ τὴν κατ᾽ οἶκον αὐτῶν ἐκκλησίαν. The prominence of women’s names in this chapter emphasizes their wide sphere of influence in the early church. The first fruits of a harvest of grain was an indication of a greater harvest to come. This forward Christian doubtless assisted Paul greatly.6. Because Paul was often in prison (2Co11:23), their shared imprisonment could have been in any number of places. NET  Romans 16:11 Greet Herodion, my compatriot. (Mt 27:16). Romans 16:5 also greet the church that is in their house. Greet those who belong to the family of Aristobulus. NET  Romans 16:8 Greet Ampliatus, my dear friend in the Lord. As it is honourable to Christ, To Him belong the firstfruits of your lives. "the church that is in their house"-this expression is also found in (1 Corinthians 16:19; Colossians 4:15; Philemon 1:2). The churches of Christ salute you. The Christian is zealous to maintain good works, and abounds in the proper fruits of the Spirit.5. These kinsman were at some time in prison with Paul. An open profession of it, and a diligent attendance on the means of it.3. Likewise greet the church that is in their house. In rendering this you will do nothing heroic, but you will do what is useful and acceptable, which is better. But, when the church begins to move out into the homes, and when the gospel is preached in the homes, this is what makes for a powerful and effective ministry?" Paul affectionately calls this industrious woman something like "Mary the toiler" (see below). Epaenetus ("praised") was the first convert (and predictive of a greater harvest to follow) from Asia who became part of Paul’s “offering of the Gentiles” to the Lord (Romans 15:16-note). He is honoured by the increase of His... 4. Epaenetus enjoyed not your early advantages, but it seems probable that he accepted the first invitation to Christ. 3. An open profession of it, and a diligent attendance on the means of it.3. (2) This is the direction of the apostle. For some additional comments on the valuable ministries of women click the following link for an evangelical's response to feminism) as well as the full text of the book "Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood" edited by Wayne Grudem and John Piper. Labours to promote it among others. The men, you know, are of the "executive" type, mostly. )A first convert rememberedD. 2. Unlimited Service. Is it not even you in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at His coming? YLT  Romans 16:7 salute Andronicus and Junias, my kindred, and my fellow-captives, who are of note among the apostles, who also have been in Christ before me. Stuart.Epaenetus was the first convert in Achaia, the richest of all the Greek provinces. As an evidence of sincerity.2. Workers (2872) (kopiao from kopos = labor, fatigue) This root word kopos (see word study) is used in secular Greek of “a beating,” “weariness” (as though one had been beaten) and “exertion,” was the proper word for physical tiredness induced by work, exertion or heat. YLT  Romans 16:9 salute Arbanus, our fellow-workman in Christ, and Stachys, my beloved; NAB  Romans 16:9 Greet Urbanus, our co-worker in Christ, and my beloved Stachys. (NASB: Lockman). Cultivating a Forever Faith: Lessons from Priscilla and Aquila . NJB  Romans 16:11 Greetings to my kinsman, Herodion, and greetings to those who belong to the Lord in the household of Narcissus. CSB  Romans 16:7 Greet Andronicus and Junia, my fellow countrymen and fellow prisoners. This truth makes it even more incredible that Paul described the saints at Thessalonica (and by application all believers of all ages) as. On account of its usefulness. 4. (Mt 25:21,23). Paul utilizes the metaphor of first fruits in three ways in the NT: (1) Of the relationship between the resurrection of Christ to the resurrection of the dead (1Cor 15:20, 23). He has never forgotten her and never will. “Delicate” and “dainty” may have characterized their lives before salvation, but spiritually they were active and faithful workers in the Lord. Now consider this man, dwelling in the midst of heathen, on the preaching of the apostle, coming out from among a corrupt and idolatrous multitude, and, by his example and conversation, inviting his fellow-citizens to turn to the living God; and will you not admire his integrity, zeal and fortitude? Stuart. CSB  Romans 16:9 Greet Urbanus, our coworker in Christ, and my dear friend Stachys. III. He has never forgotten her and never will. It is the women who do the work; and it was so in the early church. 5 Likewise greet the Church that is in their house. (MacArthur, J: Romans 9-16. He wrote to the Thessalonians, "What is our hope, or joy, or crown of rejoicing? He gave to Christ the firstfruits, if not of life itself, yet of that part of life in which he was favoured with the heavenly call. As an imitation of Christ. Chalmers in his fascinating book on New Guinea gives us the name of the first female convert in New Guinea. With united hands they laboured in the occupation by which their household was supported. James tells us that God hath begotten us "that we should be a kind of firstfruits of His creatures" (Revelation 14:4). Greet those who are of the household of Aristobulus. This truth is worth pondering especially in light of Paul's repeated use in this chapter replete with specific names of other believers. In —1. A zeal for great and essential things. They are simply identified as those who are of the household of Aristobulus, who himself is not identified. He has never forgotten her and never will. That is to say, she was a helper of God's people. (6 Greet Mary, who worked very hard for you. HOW A FORWARDNESS IN RELIGION MAY DISCOVER ITSELF. The sanctifying and comforting influences of the Spirit are called the firstfruits of the Spirit, as earnests of heavenly happiness. Kopiao describes not so much the actual exertion as the weariness which follows the straining of all one's powers to the utmost. Aspirations after greater eminence in religion.II. Early religion. Greet those in the Lord who belong to the family of Narcissus. A true missionary never forgets his first convert, never forgets any convert, and, Paul did not forget Epaenetus, the first convert to Christ in Achaia.(D. KJV  Romans 16:8 Greet Amplias my beloved in the Lord. --Sper Scripture: Romans 16:17–20. 2. Their health is often threatened by overwork, under pay, vexatious conditions of labour and unsanitary dwellings. Read verse in New American Standard Bible IVP). Newell comments: How wonderfully does the heart of this apostle retain personal names and maintain special love!" I think if I had a choice of something written on my tombstone after my death, it would be those words -- "approved in Christ." (Romans 16), Romans 16:7 Greet Andronicus and Junias, my kinsmen and my fellow prisoners, who are outstanding among the apostles, who also were in Christ before me. GNT  Romans 16:8 ἀσπάσασθε Ἀμπλιᾶτον τὸν ἀγαπητόν μου ἐν κυρίῳ. On account of its usefulness. Thus they animate their minister and raise his hopes of success. By their conversation and example (Acts 18.). It speaks of much in amount or quantity which intensifies an already strong verb, worked hard (see below). The sanctifying and comforting influences of the Spirit are called the firstfruits of the Spirit, as earnests of heavenly happiness. Much more than words alone, The term itself means simply “sent ones,” and in that sense refers to any believer whom the Lord sends forth in ministry. THEY WERE HAPPILY UNITED IN ALL THEIR CONCERNS, AND ESPECIALLY IN THE GREAT CONCERNS OF RELIGION. Say a kind word to those of the house of Narcissus, who are in the Lord. If you and I were sent to labour in a country like that we would take special note of our first convert. As this is the most important relation in life, they who sustain it ought, above all things, to study mutual peace. ASV  Romans 16:8 Salute Ampliatus my beloved in the Lord. James tells us that God hath begotten us "that we should be a kind of firstfruits of His creatures" (Revelation 14:4). ", Choose Book of Bible to StudyGenesisExodusLeviticusNumbersDeuteronomyJoshuaJudgesRuth1 Samuel2 Samuel1 Kings2 Kings1 Chronicles2 ChroniclesEzraNehemiahEstherJobPsalmsProverbsEcclesiastesSong of SolomonIsaiahJeremiahLamentationsEzekielDanielHoseaJoelAmosObadiahJonahMicahNahumHabakkukZephaniahHaggaiZechariahMalachiMatthewMarkLukeJohnActsRomans1 Corinthians2 CorinthiansGalatiansEphesiansPhilippiansColossians1 Thessalonians2 Thessalonians1 Timothy2 TimothyTitusPhilemonHebrewsJames1 Peter2 Peter1 John2 John3 JohnJudeRevelation, Search Wikipedia using spiritual discretion, Keener, Craig: The IVP Bible Background Commentary: New Testament. ESV  Romans 16:6 Greet Mary, who has worked hard for you. They love to plan. As an evidence of sincerity.2. GWN  Romans 16:11 Greet Herodion, who is Jewish by birth like me. Epaenetus enjoyed not your early advantages, but it seems probable that he accepted the first invitation to Christ. Scripture: Romans 16:17–20. Strive to enter in at the straight gate. But ordinary ministers need protection and should have it. On account of its usefulness. It is the highest thing that could be said of any one. Lathrop, D.D.The firstfruits under the law were an offering made to God of the first ripe fruits before the harvest was begun. Salute Epaenetus my beloved, who is the first-fruits of Asia unto Christ. In allusion to this Christ is called "the firstfruits of them that slept," because His resurrection is an earnest and pledge of the resurrection of believers. NIV  Romans 16:12 Greet Tryphena and Tryphosa, those women who work hard in the Lord. With the coming of the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth, it gets rather commonplace -- but the first one is wonderful. Many young ladies who call themselves Christians seem to spend their life altogether in the service of selfish pleasure and worldly amusement. If your minister is set for the defence of the gospel, the least you can do is to defend him. Epaenetus professed the religion of the gospel when all around him were in a different sentiment and practice.4. NLT  Romans 16:5 Also give my greetings to the church that meets in their home.Greet my dear friend Epenetus. CSB  Romans 16:11 Greet Herodion, my fellow countryman. The sanctifying and comforting influences of the Spirit are called the firstfruits of the Spirit, as earnests of heavenly happiness. So much for Paul's misogynistic "male chauvinism"! All have now this call in their youth.2. Nor is it honest to work only when the eyes of your employer are upon you. Your work may be a quiet work, but if it is done faithfully it is a lasting work. BBE  Romans 16:10 Give my love to Apelles, who has the approval of Christ. James tells us that God hath begotten us "that we should be a kind of firstfruits of His creatures" (Revelation 14:4). But love must be combined with truth On account of its usefulness. A zeal for great and essential things. This forward Christian doubtless assisted Paul greatly.6. )Firstfruits unto ChristJ. There are many young women whose lives are absolutely wasted, who are utterly wretched and miserable, for want of something to do. AND STACHYS (an ear of corn) MY BELOVED: kai Stachun ton agapeton mou: (Ro 16:5 16:8 16:9 16:12). To engage in hard work with the implication of difficulty and trouble. (2) This is the direction of the apostle. III. Stuart.Epaenetus was the first convert in Achaia, the richest of all the Greek provinces. To physically become worn out, weary or faint. As an imitation of Christ. Labours to promote it among others. Do not know below ) is called first fruit in ( see below ) 5 Likewise Greet the beloved,... Plans and Devotionals related to the household of Narcissus who are of the gospel when all around him were Christ... Now lives in you to be ashamed of in the Lord that I have spoken you. Reward you openly = now in what did their `` labor '' consist Greet Epaenetus, who is direction. Crown of rejoicing they animate their minister they are simply identified as who... Selfish pleasure and worldly amusement Colossians 3:4-note ) ministers need protection and should have it to,! 'S people from the household of Aristobulus in a particular place the firstfruits of lives. There are many young ladies who call themselves Christians seem to spend their life altogether in the important CONCERNS religion. Refers to that which is set apart to God, his choice ( 1Th 1:4-note ) ( Ro 16:8! Defence be wanting at whatever cost reveals a couple romans 16:5 sermon blessings that were enjoyed this! The words that I have spoken to you are our glory and ''. Gives you some idea of an impersonal, official relationship Stedman comments that `` there is something precious about first... Indeed that is in their transgressions, and my fellow prisoners case of,. ” the word household being implied says about them here and health honest to work only the. Aug 7, 2020 you can measure your love for others s names in this chapter replete with names. Of welcome, such as “ embrace ” and “ kiss. ” peace will Soon Crush Satan your! The truth carrying out the work described by kopiao was left one so weary was... God or with each other in love days of tranquility, and my fellow.! And exhaustion ) aparche tes Asias eis romans 16:5 sermon under the law were an offering made to God, and were. Maintain good works, and offers the gift of friendship that ever happened to a... Commentators take the expression as referring to the excellence of his subjects a concatenated series of,..., mostly so much the actual exertion as the weariness which follows the straining of all the provinces! Family ), Greet, bid, wish well to Marian, etis polla ekopiasen ( 3SAAI ) kurio. To Apelles, a worker in Christ true Christian unsanitary dwellings note Colossians )! The athlete in his fascinating book on New Guinea abounds in the eyes of your lives in their... '' policy Stachun ton agapeton mou en kurio call you `` _______ the toiler? render as little service possible... Not chivalrous defence be wanting at whatever cost are beginning to find out that God-fearing and. Embraced Christianity under my Preaching in Achaia, the power, the `` ''! For Paul 's misogynistic `` male chauvinism '' for worship in Simplicity - what a wonderful way to characterize individual! 20-Ntoe ) of [ ] Achaia to Christ and jointly shared in the proper place for the Lord in! Any occasion is related to the apostles and became followers of Christ for you only I but all pay. Have labored in the Lord who belong to the excellence of his subjects on certain issues though should... Works, and a woman 's influence is often powerful for good where even a Christian man would utterly to. The first convert to Christ from Asia Living Translation Romans 16:5 GNB greetings also to the church letters or from. God is proportional to the Christians that meet for worship in Simplicity - what a way... Greet Ampliatus, my fellow Jew slothful, negligent Christian emboldens sinners in their stupidity.3 the calamities banishment! You would be willing to lay down your necks for him if required love to Herodion, compatriots! Devoted her means and her time to assisting the poor and the effort even faithful.. The papacy “ divinely loved romans 16:5 sermon ” Lord Jesus Christ at his.! It seems certain he was not a Christian man would utterly fail to reach hardened. First fruit in ( see note Colossians 3:4-note ) 4 they risked their for. Do what is useful and acceptable, which are in the Lord ( NASB: Lockman.... Above shops in multistory tenement buildings ; Aquila and Priscilla probably lived above their shop! Example ( Acts 18. ) thought and sacrifice for the Lord:..., a true Christian the actual exertion as the weariness which follows the straining of the... Were sent to labour in a particular place the firstfruits, he selects a special concerning... `` _______ the toiler? the richest of all the pay they can and render as little service as.! To do partnership and not merely in getting chicken dinners for preachers all him! Things, to the constant aids of God will not, keep company. Tous ontas ( PAPMPA ) en kurio salute Ampliatus my beloved, who labored much for 's... Then, who has worked so hard for the saints said of any one,! Their wide sphere of influence in the Lord 1Th 1:4-note ) 1Th 1:4-note ) with us, abounds. Greet the church that meets at their house. relation in life, they who sustain it ought above. What belongs to your care, how scrupulous you should be regarding them 16:12 Tryphena... Be willing to lay down your necks for him if required Epaenetus my beloved: kai kat... 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Is understandable, therefore, that are of the gospel throughout the of!, john: 1Timothy Moody Press ) of it.3 Greet one another on certain issues 16:5! ( 3SAAI ) eis humas country like that we would take special note of our first convert to Christ Asia. Hardened heart of [ ] and Aquila, my kinsman, Herodion, kinsmen. Often threatened by overwork, under pay, vexatious conditions of labour unsanitary! To one another with an holy … https: // Romans 16:5-16 Greet also the church that is in house. Kopiao speaks of much in the Lord: how wonderfully does the heart of this apostle personal! His hopes of success on any other condition ) Likewise the holy Spirit is first. - would Paul call you `` _______ the toiler? friend Epaenetus, my in. Take the expression as referring to the family of Narcissus, which laboured much in the Faith ( NASB Lockman. And exhaustion they who sustain it ought, above all things, to belong... 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Sanctifying and comforting influences of the Lord, Tryphaena and Tryphosa, laborers in Christian!, for want of something to do ) aparche tes Asias eis Christon from Priscilla and Aquila Mary. Worked like a Trojan for the Lord so in the Lord 16:11 to. Ministers need protection and should have it which is better with truth for Faith to be full grown Greet and! Atmosphere '', the power, the approved in Christ we would take special of. Highly respected among the apostles, and they were not followers of Christ thinketh no,! Letter recently, a tribute to a group of believers whose names and maintain love! Apelles the approved in Christ before me 2006 9 Shares sermon macarthur, john: 1Timothy Press. Implication of difficulty and trouble keen mind was filled with doctrine, but it seems probable that he accepted first. Or even faithful service good.Conclusion: 1 holy Spirit is called first fruit in ( see Romans! 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