You don't have to read if you don't want to read a super long essay. Dank Memer is a bot that brings some great perks to your Discord server! (Requires fishing pole)Aliases: cast, Command: yo mineParameters: NoneDescription: Mine for ores, and sell them for coins! Command: yo memeParameters: NoneDescription: Gives you a regular, good old meme.Aliases: None, Command: yo dankmemeParameters: NoneDescription: Gives you a pretty dank meme.Aliases: None, Command: yo discordmemeParameters: NoneDescription: Gives you a meme that is Discord related.Aliases: None, Command: yo surrealmemeParameters: NoneDescription: Some bizzare memes.Aliases: None, Command: yo facepalmParameters: NoneDescription: Gives you a meme from r/facepalm.Aliases: facepalmmeme, Command: yo cringepicParameters: NoneDescription: Gives you a cringy picture, I guess.Aliases: cringypic, cringepicture, cringypicture, Command: yo whooshParameters: NoneDescription: Gives you a meme from r/whoosh.Aliases: whooshmeme, Command: yo ihadastrokeParameters: NoneDescription: Gives you a meme from r/ihadastroke.Aliases: ihadastrokememe, Command: yo thanksihateitParameters: NoneDescription: Gives you a meme from r/TIHIAliases: thanksihateitmeme, tihi. Can you get all 7's?Aliases: slot, Command: yo blackjackParameters: Description: Play blackjack against the bot. This bot helps you to create more than 100 kinds of real-time memes. Report abuse Page details Phantom Forces community is a new server that is aimed towards fans who play the game. Authorization is the first step in this process. When a merchant receives a dispute they lose the transaction amount from the sale and receive a dispute fee. Dank Memer is a feature-rich Discord bot with the original twist of being sarcastic and memey. Dank Mafia is a brand new Discord community that is focused on gaming, memes, community and NSFW content. When a merchant gets the confirmation that the cardholder has enough funds in their account, the funds are held. Dank Memer is a bot for Discord. Here’s an example: You’re playing bingo with 50 people, and each of you buys one card. Well, two f*ckers who thought they were funny bank robs me. Special Dank memer Channels! Log In to DisputeHub AcademyLog In to the App. Pets will gain a random amount of experience whenever you interact with them, or anytime they do something for you like stop a robbery or find an item. Sometimes an item is on sale for a limited time, which can be viewed at the top of shop. Comments (5) Exactly what you'd Expect. The sell price is always 10 times smaller than the buy price. Dank Memer. Literally do anything related with bot coins and items. It is one of the top bots that you will find in discord, and why is that? Because it caters to the meme bots. Edit. It is important for merchants to take the necessary steps to avoid disputes. ImageAliases: amiajoketoyou, aiaj, Command: yo killParameters: <*user/item>Description: Kill someone; maybe, maybe notAliases: None, Command: yo yeetParameters: <*user/item>Description: Yeet someone out of a building maybe?Aliases: None, Command: yo rockpaperscissors Parameters: Description: Play rock, paper, scissors with the bot.Aliases: rps, Command: yo randomParameters: int while int1-int2 returns int1=>int2> *Description: Gives you a random number of the chosen range.Aliases: randnum, raffle*only one parameter, but separate the range by a hyphen (-), Command: yo howgayParameters: <*user/item>Description: See how gay someone or something is.Aliases: gayrate, Command: yo howkekParameters: <*user/item>Description: See how kek someone or something is.Aliases: kekrate, Command: yo hownerdParameters: <*user/item>Description: See how nerdy someone or something is.Aliases: nerdrate, hownerdy, Command: yo howgamerParameters: <*user/item>Description: See how much of a gamer someone or something is.Aliases: gamerrate, Command: yo howbullyParameters: <*user/item>Description: See how much of a bully someone or something is.Aliases: bullyrate, Command: yo howcringyParameters: <*user/item>Description: See how cringy someone or something is.Aliases: cringerate, cringyrate, Command: yo howuglyParameters: <*user/item>Description: See how ugly someone or something is.Aliases: uglyrate, Command: yo howfurryParameters: <*user/item>Description: See how furry someone or something is.Aliases: furryrate, Command: yo howstupidParameters: <*user/item>Description: See how stupid someone or something is.Aliases: stupidrate, Command: yo howfatParameters: <*user/item>Description: See how fat someone or something is.Aliases: fatrate, Command: yo howsimpParameters: <*user/item>Description: See how much of a simp someone or something is.Aliases: simprate, Command: yo weightParameters: <*user/item>Description: See how heavy someone or something is.Aliases: howheavy, Command: yo emoteraceParameters: <@user>Description: Start an emote race with someone.Aliases: emojirace, Command: yo mockParameters: <*text>Description: mOcK tExT LiKe ThiSAliases: None, Command: yo allcapsParameters: <*text>Description: MAKE TEXT ALL CAPS LIKE THISAliases: None, Command: yo clapParameters: <*text>Description: mOcK tExT LiKe ThiSAliases: Make text clap like this, Command: yo eatParameters: <*text>Description: I don't even know at this point, maybe eat text?!?! Once a dispute is filed, the acquirer will debit the transaction amount from the merchant’s account. ; this includes all of the music commands. You can use real money to customize the appearance of your cards. Dank memer robbing! Use items that you bought with your coins. Add Tatsumaki to your server 3. Dank memer. Home » Our Blog » Industry Terms » What is a Payment Reversal? We will take an in-depth look at what merchants need to know about each type of payment reversal. This is the most consequential payment reversal process for merchants. We have all experienced a refund as a cardholder or customer. Before we introduced this, there was no way to remove the watermark from memes without paying for the full Imgflip Pro, which is more expensive. A: We don't like bothering people with ads, and we want you to be able to support Imgflip in a way that gives you the best experience. Each of these reversals takes place at different stages of the payment process and for different reasons. Gallery. Dank Memer Global currency game with over 10m users, stealing, pets, unique items, and more! The reason code explains the cause of the dispute, in other words, what the cardholder is claiming. View Invite. Edit source History Talk (0) Comments Share. We also have a custom roles channel. Even though the amount of funds that is available to the customer has gone down, it does not mean the money was transferred to the merchant account. Purge, kick, ban, warn, and more! UNO is fun. Your standing in a Discord server is shown in the form of a visually pleasing card, which pushes you to interact with users more often. | Global currency game with over 10m users, stealing, pets, unique items, and more! This process is not just a straight across transaction. They can help you earn things too. It is important to understand what types of payment reversals happen, under what circumstances each takes place, and what the outcomes are for merchants. Know Your Meme | Our confirmed section features over 1,000 entries on a wide range of Internet-related topics carefully researched and verified by the research staff. Get up to 50% off. Dank Memer. Buy character packs to collect all of the unique characters. A refund is treated similarly to a transaction just in reverse where the merchant is sending funds to the cardholder. This process can happen in a couple of ways; customer disputes, authorization reversal, and refunding payment. Our server also includes many fun bots like Dank Memer, MEE6, and more. A partnership program available to servers who actively use Dank Memer, where we bring our users to you! Authorization Reversal. Dank Memer is one of the top Discord Bots on the list and deservedly so. Authorization is the first step in this process. Will retrieve a random message from the last 2,000 messages.Aliases: grm, Command: yo eightballParameters: <*question>Description: Ask the 8ball a question.Aliases: 8ball, Command: yo poopParameters: NoneDescription: Aliases: poo, Command: yo rageParameters: NoneDescription: Use this command when you're mad, I guess.Aliases: None, Command: yo mamaParameters: NoneDescription: Discover the weight of your mom.Aliases: momma, Command: yo guessthenumberParameters: [range]Description: The bot generates a random number, and you will have to try to guess it.Aliases: gtn, guessthenum, Command: yo noParameters: NoneDescription: Don't ask, @YeahImAGamer#5411 did this to meAliases: None, Command: yo randomwordParameters: NoneDescription: Gives you a random word.Aliases: rw, Command: yo randomsentenceParameters: NoneDescription: Gives you a random sentence.Aliases: rs, Command: yo randompoemParameters: NoneDescription: Gives you a random poem.Aliases: rp, Command: yo randomusstateParameters: NoneDescription: Gives you a random U.S. state.Aliases: russ, Command: yo japanesesymbolforbeginnerParameters: NoneDescription: Aliases: None, Command: yo whisperParameters: <*message>Description: Whisper a message to someone.Aliases: None, Command: yo emoteshowcaseParameters: NoneDescription: Gives you 10 random emotes.Aliases: emojishowcase, Command: yo hackParameters: <*user>Description: I don't know, maybe hack someone??!?!?! or just go to Dank Memer Wiki You can buy items, power-ups, tools or collectables in the shop to help you earn money, level up, earn dank memer status or protect you. Pets are virtual creatures you can take care of. Some memey commands. Your odds of winning are 2%. It is when a customer has an issue with the product they purchased and want to return it to the merchant in exchange for their money back. So, the situation is that I have about 68k worth of money in my bank account. UNO! Join the support server if you have an unanswered question! You should play UNO. If the product the customer order is no longer in stock, the customer cancels the order or various other reasons that would warrant a refund merchants can just release the hold on the account. Dank Memer has a system of currency. 5. yo bal Username). Browse thousands of Meme emoji to use on Discord or Slack. If you can contain the amount of spam I have, you will be granted with special powers that allow you to smoke weed 200 times harder. But if the merchant is not able to create a winning response, does not respond in time, or the transaction was true fraud, then the customer will retain the transaction amount. Right now you have to keep the space, but this may change in the future. Syntax = Required[param] = Optional(param) = Required if condition met<*param>, [*param], (*param) = Parameter can have spaces / Can take in a username that has spaces (e.g. Copied; Likes (2) Comments (5) Copied; Likes (2) Like 2. Anime, gaming, and many other categories are available. To attempt to get the funds from the transaction back, the merchant will then need to gather compelling evidence for a response. Browse thousands of Meme emoji to use on Discord or Slack. These commands will fetch memes from the Reddit API and send them to you through Discord! Image generation and image manipulation commands, I guess. Command: yo banParameters: <*user>Description: Bans a user Aliases: None, Command: yo unbanParameters: <*user>Description: Unban a previously banned user.Aliases: None, Command: yo kickParameters: <*user>Description: Kicks a userAliases: None, Command: yo muteParameters: <*user>Description: Mutes a userAliases: None, Command: yo warnParameters: <*user>Description: Warns a user [ Role management is bugged ]Aliases: None, Command: yo purgeParameters: Description: Bulk delete messages in a channel.Aliases: clear, Command: yo bulkrole Parameters: [user] [user] ...Description: Gives a role to a bulk selection of users.Aliases: None, Command: yo chnickParameters: Description: Change a user's nicknameAliases: None, Command: yo massroleParameters: [role] [role] ...Description: Give a user multiple roles at once.Aliases: None, Command: yo slowmodeParameters: Description: Set the slowmode for the channel.Aliases: sm, Command: yo whichroleshaveParameters: Description: Check which roles have what permission.Aliases: None, Command: yo whohasParameters: Description: See who has what role.Aliases: None, Command: yo haspermsParameters: Description: See if a user has a certain permission.Aliases: None, Command: yo snipeParameters: [channel]Description: Shows the most recent deleted message.Aliases: None, Command: yo editsnipeParameters: [channel]Description: Snipe the original of an edited message. securely Q: Y U NO give us this for free instead?!? Win, and you'll get coins. Moderation commands to moderate your server with. Try your best to get as many platinum characters as you can to increase your rank and sell your unwanted cards to earn tokens. Dank Memer/Items < Dank Memer. Use pls pet disown if you do not want to own your pet anymore. When a merchant receives a customer dispute it will have a reason code connected to it. This guarantees the merchant will get paid. A MASSIVE currency system, tons of memes, and much more! Well what happens next? Gathering the compelling evidence that is specific to the reason code will help strengthen the response. You might find the commands of Dank Memer stupid and annoying, but once you get used to it, they will seem to be interesting. Command: yo asktrumpParameters: <*question>Description: Ask Donald Trump a question.Aliases: None, Command: yo sayParameters: <*text>Description: Make the bot say something.Aliases: None, Command: yo spoilerParameters: <*text>Description: Puts spoilers on every single character ||l||||i||||k||||e||||t||||h||||i||||s||.Aliases: None, Command: yo owoParameters: <*text>Description: Makes youw text owo wangwage!Aliases: owoify, Command: yo apologyvideoParameters: NoneDescription: Sends a random apology video in chat.Aliases: apologyvid, Command: yo getrandommessageParameters: NoneDescription: Get a random message. Payment reversals are part of running a business. Play Calamity Cards, a trading card game where you can purchase various Heroes and Villains from comic books, movies, TV shows and more. Hunt for animals and fight other users! Its a reverse card and now its trending cuz I used it then gar did and now everybody uses it. Command: yo balanceParameters: [*user]Description: Check your current balance or someone else's balance.Aliases: bal, b, money, coins, Command: yo levelParameters: [*user]Description: Check your current level with the bot or someone else's level.Aliases: lvl, lv, Command: yo profileParameters: [*user]Description: Check your profile card or someone else's profile card.Aliases: p, prof, Command: yo userinfoParameters: [user]Description: View info on a user, such as their join date, etc. To reverse insults. Aliases: bj, blackj, Command: yo multiplierParameters: NoneDescription: View your current cheese/pizza multiplier.Aliases: multi, multis, multipliers, Command: yo richParameters: [page] [global]Description: View the richest people in your server (or globally)Aliases: leaderboard, lb, leaderboards, top, Command: yo massrichParameters: [page] [global]Description: View the richest people in your server (or globally) with 30 entries per page.Aliases: massleaderboard, masslb, massleaderboards, masstop, Command: yo shareParameters: Description: Give coins to another user.Aliases: give, Command: yo giftParameters: - [amount]Description: Gift items to another user.Aliases: giveitem, giveitems, Command: yo dropParameters: Description: Drop coins on the floor, and let others race to pick them up for themselves.Aliases: dropcoins, Command: yo dropitemParameters:
- [amount]Description: Drop items on the floor, and let others race to pick them up for themselves.Aliases: dropitems, Command: yo postmemesParameters: NoneDescription: If you have a laptop, you can use this command to post memes on the internet and earn money off of them.Aliases: pm, postmeme, Command: yo uploadParameters: NoneDescription: Upload a video to youtube in hopes of earning coins.Aliases: postvid, postvideo, pv, Command: yo hourlyParameters: NoneDescription: Get free coins every hour!Aliases: None, Command: yo dailyParameters: NoneDescription: Get free coins every day!Aliases: None, Command: yo weeklyParameters: NoneDescription: Get free coins every week!Aliases: None, Command: yo redeemParameters: NoneDescription: If you are a nitro booster of this server, you can get a free Dank Box every single day.Aliases: None, Command: yo cooldownsParameters: NoneDescription: View cooldowns for hourly, daily, weekly, and redeem.Aliases: None, Command: yo triviaParameters: NoneDescription: Get free coins by answering a trivia question correctly.Aliases: triv, Command: yo prestigeParameters: NoneDescription: Once you have grinded the bot enough, you can reset most progress and gain a prestige level.Aliases: None, Command: yo announceParameters: <*text>Description: Announce something on your yo balance.Aliases: None, Command: yo petParameters: [action] (value)Description: Do actions with your pet.Aliases: None, Command: yo eventchannelParameters: [channel]Description: Check if a channel can spawn events or not.Aliases: ec, Command: yo settingsParameters: [setting] (true/false) Description: Alter your personal settings, such as passive/DM notifs.Aliases: None. 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