This involves adding a prefix to your Style names, so that Figma groups them under the same heading. We do our best to make critique and feedback a key feature of our course. 11:01pm + 1,000,000. A File Naming Convention (FNC) is a framework for naming your files in a way that describes what they contain and how they relate to other files.. Teaching in Figma The almighty hassle 2. Step 4: Ask students to create a file according to our naming conventionsEvery student in our course follows a standard naming convention for their Master Figma file (we use: Intro DPD: Name). We create two versions of a UI kit: a simplified version and a full-featured version. We suggest that pages include: In the example of our third assignment, students take what they've been conceptualizing and designing in the first two assignments and make a Figma prototype. My team is in the process of moving from individual files in Sketch to teams in Figma and folders would do a good job of keeping things manageable. This article won’t be about all that. For example Drop Shadow/Level 2 will appear to be at a greater distance from the background than the Level 1.Style grouping: If you add new styles, you have to think about which group they belong to or create another one.Naming the style with: