• Date of Examination: Weekend of 13 - 15 March 2020. The National Baptist Convention of America International, Inc., (NBCA Intl or NBCA) more commonly known as the National Baptist Convention of America or sometimes the Boyd Convention, is a Christian denomination based in the United States.It is a predominantly African American conservative Baptist denomination, and is headquartered at Simmons College of Kentucky in Louisville. - Annual assembly will be held in December for one day subject to the state of the country - Kindly forward all affiliation fees to the BCSA - We still encourage churches to send their tithe of tithes, regardless of the amount. Your email address will not be published. It must. Where’s the line between the separation of church and state? The Union works with others in mission locally, regionally and internationally. Statement against Violence against Women South Africa is becoming an increasingly unsafe place for women to liv YOUR SCRIPT WON’T BE MARKED UNTIL PROOF OF PAYMENT IS RECEIVED. This was never the case when the work first started in South Africa, and so, in many ways this is a dramatic swing back to our substantial theological roots. • Place entrants writing the same paper apart from each other (we will automatically disqualify entrants if cheating is detected, as has happened in the past). The Baptist Union of Great Britain (BUGB) is the Baptist family in England and Wales (there is also the Baptist Union of Wales). Rather, the really big victory, is all that this implies for for the future – simply put, “watch this space…”. the 128 year history of the BNA and the 1924 Statement of faith here, Another Translation of the 2017 Statement of Belief, The Biblical Leadership Structure of the Local Church, The Implications of the Change of the Marriage Act of 2006. The Union works with others in mission locally, regionally and internationally. IF YOU PAY BY POSTAL ORDER PLEASE PUT THAT WITH YOUR SCRIPTS. The Seminary commenced its first classes with four full-time and some part-time students meeting in the hall of the Silvertown Baptist Church in Athlone, Cape Town. This, we hope, will lead to a closer co-operation in all the work yet to be done. But here is a new day – the plans are laid for a new united theological understanding as Baptists together. The Union works with others in mission locally, regionally and internationally. 19th - 22nd - B.U Executive . Rev. The Baptist Union of Trinidad and Tobago has its origins in the first Baptist church founded in 1816 by freed slaves from United States. For the sake of the display of the beauty of Christ by his racially diverse church, it must. It seems that the practice of a church Executive model as the leadership structure of a Baptist church has been ‘The Baptist Way” since Baptists arrived in South Africa in 1820. It is made up of churches, regional associations, the national resource centre and Baptist colleges. For instance, for the first time, there is an entirely new description of the mission of the church, which may have been stated or implied elsewhere but is now something we affirm together. Peach, who replied in words that were as choice as they were brief at the same time giving the sum of £100 to the funds of the Baptist Union…” The way they wrote and spoke then is not the manner in which we do so today, hence the necessity of a new language version of the Statement of Belief such that in the 1924, “We believe in one God eternally existing in three persons” now reads, “We believe in one God who eternally exists in three co-equal persons” and the “Holy Ghost” is the “Holy Spirit” and “just and unjust” is now, “righteous and unrighteous.”. If you have any queries please feel free to contact me. Powered by. One of the key issues around the discussion of a new statement of faith for the Baptist Union of South Africa is around the issue of the inerrancy of the Bible. Stop where God stops. Without exaggeration, this effectively marks the beginning of a new era of theology, theologians, pastors and churches in South Africa and brings an end to the semi-serious era of Baptist theology that has become the norm for us today. It could also be that we South African Baptists have indeed been ‘people of the book,’ not people of a shared and stated theological definition. Special recognition certificates: Special recognition stickers will be given on the certificates of those students who have written a certain number of examinations eg 5 exams, 10 exams etc. The basis of fellowship in the Baptist Union is a three-part "Declaration of Principle" stating belief in Jesus, Christian baptism, and world evangelisation. Details will be given with the exam papers on the procedure to provide students with numbers. I speak of something we once had, but now, it seems to me, no longer exists. Notice is given that should the report be accepted at the 2018 Assembly, changes to the BU Constitution will be voted on at that Assembly to allow the implementation of the new structure. Introduction. This was the first time the 2017 was coming to any formal gathering of Baptists for a decision. • Invigilation : Normal invigilation rules apply. churches complain about the shortage of time – please allow extra time if necessary especially for the adult papers!• The total number of marks varies for each grade. This was the first time the 2017 was coming to any formal gathering of Baptists for a decision. Detailed below is some vital information for the writing of the examination. As part of the Institutional Reforms of the African Union, the Assembly agreed in January 2017 to hold one ordinary summit a year and extraordinary sessions as the need arose. General and Particular Baptist work was united in the Baptist Union in 1891. Remember, you need to make photocopies. We have a choice now as we will have a choice then, “Where do we stand on the big issues of our day?” We will stand by what we have affirmed or fall. 25 May 1963 - On 26 May 2001, the Organization of African Unity (OAU) was legally transformed into the African Union(AU). This is immediately obvious when reading the minutes of the “44th Annual Assembly of the Baptist Union of South Africa” at which the 1924 Statement of Belief was accepted. It is my firm belief that the primary reason for our lack of unity is not the wording of our definition of ‘The Church’ which is described as ‘autonomous’ not ‘independent’ – that aside, and it is a concern – rather the primary reason for our independence is the suspicion that arises from not knowing if we believe the same thing on the core issues of faith and the core expressions of what that looks like in practice. The retiring president introduced the new President, the Rev H.T. The Baptist Union of Great Britain (BUGB) is the Baptist family in England and Wales (there is also the Baptist Union of Wales). No. January: February: March: April: May: June : July: August: September: October: November: December: 9th - National Woman's Day 13th - 14th - BMD Board Meetings 17th - DOLM AGM 18th - 25th - BU Week of Prayer. Christians breathe a masked, ‘level 1’ sigh of relief! Built using WordPress and the Mesmerize Theme. There are a number of aspects of the Statement of Belief that affirm where we have always stood and this can be proven, that have never been included in a common statement. The Baptist Union of Great Britain (BUGB) is the Baptist family in England and Wales (there is also the Baptist Union of Wales). And there are many open spaces and some now addressed. However, as we do have papers in Zulu or Xhosa, etc, now the questions may be translated for these students, although the answers must be made in the language of the paper. Promote unity and brotherly love. ), Please note the following important information regarding the exam papers:• The Grade 12 & Adults may be answer on blank lined paper (which the Sunday School must provide). Please read this carefully and make sure that your students and invigilators are familiar with these details BEFORE the examination. • ALL entrants must write the exam at the same time on the same day. There is no doubt that language changes with time. • Entrants in grades 3 - 5 may write with a pencil, but other entrants are requested to write with only a BLUE or BLACK pen. In addition, there has also been no little commotion over some seemingly greatly contentious items addressed, including a clarification on the role of the ministry of men and women in the church, the particularly contentious phrase being, “that in the local church, both men and women are called to serve equally, and male headship should be evidenced” which follows the seemingly less contentious one, that marriage is the “lifelong union between a natural man and a natural woman giving the man the responsibility of loving leadership and the woman the role of compatible support.”, Moreover, another particular prickle in the sock seems to be the inclusion of what, it seems to me, we have always held to (see proof here) and now finally affirm in saying that “the Scriptures are true in all that they affirm and are trustworthy and without error.” Those last two words are the additions and you’d think, judging by the reaction of some, that we had just served up poison in a cup. Today, there is a far reduced number of English-as-first-language speakers and hence the necessity to make things as plain as can be in a new statement of belief. The envelope should not be opened until after the children have been taught for the last time. Tembani Zani (BU Scripture Exam Convener), Get your members to sign the petition that Says No to Online Porn, 2017. Please follow these carefully to avoid confusion or incorrect results being sent out. BCSA Project Account:Name of account: Baptist Convention of South Africa The Baptist Assembly 2019 Links to stories and reports from the 2019 Baptist Assembly, held at the Telford International Centre (18-19 May) Where do we grow from here? The Baptist Union of Great Britain (BUGB) is the Baptist family in England and Wales (there is also the Baptist Union of Wales). No. Thus, our statement then is the new beachhead for the battle that will certainly be coming. 2003/019542/08 BTC is registered with the Department of Education as a Private Higher Education Institution under the Higher Education Act, 1997.Registration Certificate N0 2000/HE08/004. • Invigilation: Normal invigilation rules apply. OUR BANK DETAILS ARE:STANDARD BANK CURRENT ACCOUNT NO. Proof would be in the form of photocopied certificates from previous years, or a copy of the results sheet sent out each year, highlighting the relevant student. A College Committee was soon appointed under the … It could be that priorities lay elsewhere, many statements issued to the Nationalist government on human equality and the dignity of all people and much action taken on this front, matters of social justice, church planting, resolution of conflict – there’s been a lot to do. The Advanced Adults write an additional paper i.e Baptist Principle. IF YOU WANT THAT OPTION PLEASE SEND A REQUEST WITH YOUR SCRIPTS. But, as significant as this is, the acceptance of the Statement of Belief as our own is not the primary win for us. That’s the challenge and invitation posed by new Baptist Union President Ken Benjamin Please go to Find Information/Downloads/Scripture Exam/Scripture Exam 2020 Material for the latest Material. Satan has always readily deployed the weapon of “Divide and conquer.” Here is our standard – the flag raised high to which we must all rally when the warning goes out – and it will. Baptist Theological College of Southern Africa is an Association incorporated under section 21 Reg. • Exam Papers: These will be sent to you in a few weeks via email or fast mail - please warn whoever collects the mail at the address you have provided so that they pass on the papers promptly. When the Baptist Union accepted the 1924 statement of faith, there were 105 delegates in attendance and of these, 21 were the wives (or maybe mothers!) This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. The Baptist Historical Society was founded in 1908. History. The “moral responsibility” question – “that all human beings inherit a sinful nature which issues (in the case of those who reach moral responsibility) in actual transgression…” This is helpfully clarified with, “the first man sinned and thereby incurred the penalty of death, physical and spiritual for all people, and as a consequence of his sin, all humans inherit a sinful nature that results in actual transgression and sin.” End sentence. Other new affirmations seem to have successfully sidestepped serious criticism, and now, woe betide, I’m laying them out for scrutiny, the translations and the matter of Bible versions is dealt with, the sufficiency of Scripture, the nature of the role difference in the godhead, his pre-time plan to save sinners, his sovereign plan over all history, the fact that all things are created to display his glory, male and female as equal image bearers. This is the final leg of the ‘United in Mission’ thrust, which ends at this Assembly. Many have asked “Why do we need a new statement of belief?” Some have put it this way, “What’s wrong with our current 1924 Statement of Belief anyway? Required fields are marked *. The Baptist Union of Great Britain (BUGB) is the Baptist family in England and Wales (there is also the Baptist Union of Wales). Learn how your comment data is processed. Please put your church name as Reference. Baptist Union of South Africa. There is no doubt that as public opinion continues in particular directions against the simple reading of the Bible on a number of contemporary issues, both churches and pastors will need to return to a clearly stated standard of what we hold to together. • Please note that spelling and punctuation do not count, provided the answer is understandable. • The time for each paper varies from 1 hour to 1 hour 30 minutes, but please be flexible in this – it is merely a guideline. Many. Think about it, “What comes from unity?” Not uniformity, for we do not look the same, think the same, see the same. It is made up of churches, regional associations, the national resource centre and Baptist colleges. Negatively, the 1924 certainly had some idiosyncrasies – some of these are (in no particular order); Positively, there are two brand new inclusions in the statement, specifically, a statement on the person of the person and work of the Holy Spirit (statement 7) and a description of the mission of the church (statement 10). What is puzzling is why these have not been included prior to this. Baptist Union of Southern Africa. Did we used to hold to a prebaptismal baptismal regeneration? Azapo’s high watermark in democratic South Africa was the appointment of its former president Mosibudi Mangena as Minister of Science and Technology in 2004, but in the 2014 elections the party came about 10,000 votes shy of a single seat in the National Assembly. Thus, 80% of our churches affirmed the need for this new statement of belief as our own. PLEASE DON’T FORGET TO PLACE THIS IN THE ENVELOPE WITH YOUR SCRIPTS. BAPTIST UNION OF SOUTHERN AFRICA (BUSA) Sector: Church Denomination, Organisation, Group, Family or Movement Date Founded: January 1877 Grades 3 – 5 may have the questions READ to them and difficult words explained as long as no answers are given. The 2019 BU Assembly will be held at the Western Cape Sports School, Kuils River, Cape Town from 23 September to 26 September. Guiding Baptist Churches towards multiculturalism; The Impact of COVID-19 on Pastors and Churches; The Genesis of Baptist Work in South Africa; Being Baptist in the Baptist Union of Southern Africa Post Kuils River Assembly 2019; Why the need for a new Statement of Belief? 2003/019542/08 BTC is registered with the Department of Education as a Private Higher Education Institution under the Higher Education Act, 1997.Registration Certificate N0 2000/HE08/004. • Student Numbers: Due to the fact that Sunday Schools have not been required to forward names of students to me before the exam, I will not provide student numbers. But is this what the Bible teaches as to how Jesus governs his church? Don’t forget to send back the class register (codes), trophy report, questionnaire, and payment for entrants (if this has not already been sent). And why does the church pay both the association and the union? NB NB NB NB NB NB NB NB NB !! I trust that the writing of the exam will go well. The formation of the Baptist Union of South Africa in July 1877 seemed almost accidental. IF YOU WANT US TO SEND YOUR CERTIFICATES VIA REGISTERED MAIL IT WILL COST R55-00. Thusong Centre,12 Sylvia Road , Zuurbekom (10,152.98 mi) Johannesburg, South Africa 1779 YOU MAY FAX A COPY OF YOUR DEPOSIT TO 086 601 4365. And the vote took place with 80 voting members present and the results came in; 64 representatives voted ‘yes’, 13 voted ‘no’ and 3 representatives abstained from voting. NB: AFTER YOU HAVE MADE A DEPOSIT INTO OUR BANK ACCOUNT PLEASE MAKE A COPY OF THE DEPOSIT SLIP AND SEND IT WITH YOUR SCRIPTS BY 22 March 2020. One of the pastors suggested that the opportunity be taken to form the Baptist Union of South Africa. Baptist Union of Southern Africa, Roodekrans, South Africa. PLEASE send the papers back per registered post - so as to avoid papers getting lost in the post! He has lectured at The Baptist Theological College of SA. The Baptist Union of Southern Africa has its origins in the first Baptist churches in Salem, Eastern Cape and in Grahamstown founded in 1823 by William Miller, an English Baptist pastor. The Union works with others in mission locally, regionally and internationally. The Baptist Union of Zambia has its origins in a South African mission of the Baptist Union of Southern Africa in 1924 It is officially founded in 1975. The envelope will also contain The Exam code, Invigilation instructions including a Trophy Report, and a questionnaire about the examination. Other colours make marking difficult.• Only the entrant may write the answers on the exam script. (Please check that you have received all papers correctly, but do not study the papers until after the last teaching Sunday. His work grew and spread to other parts of the island. 1st - Missions Sunday 15th - 22nd - BWD Week of Prayer. Monday night, 20 May 2019, was the BNA’s AGM and it was a BIG event because there was a particularly big item on the agenda – are we going to adopt the 2017 Statement of Belief as our own or not? Virgin Mary – historically we believed seemingly in the “Virgin Mary” (yes, with a capital!) It’s served us well for the last 94 and a half years?” (See a write up of the 128 year history of the BNA and the 1924 Statement of faith here). No, they were not and more so now than ever before. It is made up of churches, regional associations, the national resource centre and Baptist colleges. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! For the sake of the gospel to every nation, it must. February 2019. 23rd - 26th - B.U Assembly (Cape Town) Kevin DeYoung states that “unity is a relational good we are called to maintain where true spiritual unity is already present.”, Unity is a relational good we are called to maintain where true spiritual unity is present.”. The Baptist Union of Trinidad and Tobago is a Baptist Christian denomination in Trinidad and Tobago.It is affiliated with the Baptist World Alliance.The headquarters is in Princes Town.. History. South African Baptists on the Inerrancy of the Bible The President of the Baptist World Alliance (WBA), Reverend Ngodela Paul Maida, is expected in the island to participate in the Jamaica Baptist Union (JBU) Assembly 2019 loopjamaica.com Baptist world leader to visit Jamaica later this month !The Scripture exam papers are based solely on the passages detailed in the syllabus and NOT what is in the teaching material. Guiding Baptist Churches towards multiculturalism, The Impact of COVID-19 on Pastors and Churches, The Genesis of Baptist Work in South Africa, Only man was created in the image of God – “We believe that God created man in his own image…” Oh yes, we know what that means (“in the image of God he created him, male and female he created them” Gen 1:27), but it could be misunderstood, right? Why should a church give money to an association? We continue our thrust ‘United in Mission’ and will be focussing on doing evangelism, church planting and missions together. Our Mission: Advance the cause of the Kingdom of God. In my view, we have two types of Baptists, those who primarily specialise in doing, and those who primarily specialise in definition and planning – and we need both, ideally the one doing what they do best before and with the other. Please check that you have the correct papers in the correct languages. He is a former Associate General Secretary of the Baptist Union and also ex president. It is officially founded in 1854. The first ordained Baptist preacher to travel to South Africa was William Davies, who was sent by the Baptist Missionary Society in England. All Rights Reserved. … Dr. Gutsche addressed a few words on retiring and spoke of the harmony existing among executive etc. G W Cross, at the Bathurst Baptist Church in Grahamstown, where pastors and deacons from six other churches were present. 51 were here. Baptist Theological College of Southern Africa is an Association incorporated under section 21 Reg. 18th - BU Offices. The 2017 Statement of Belief certainly does that. “See how they love each other” must be seen. The Baptists were very involved in the struggle for the emancipation of slavery. 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