Peninsular India, Ceylon, middle Burma, Thailand, and the former Indochina. Corolla campanulate, yellow, pink, or white. The nearest ally of ss. Deciduous shrubs are smaller Rhododendrons that shed off their leaves twice in a year, once in fall and then in winter. Leaves rarely more than 6 in. “A Brocade Pillow” is a Japanese book which was published in 1692. The elepidote rhododendrons are very uniform in their essential botanical characters and in the estimation of most botanists constitute a single subgenus, for which the correct name is subgen. Cultivated plants are sometimes difficult to place even though they are known to have been raised from wild seed. Argyrophyllum. Leaves usually less than 1 in. They are shrubs or small trees up to 40 ft high, with evergreen glabrous or more rarely hairy leaves, which often form ‘pseudo-whorls’ at the ends of the shoots. Calophytum. The species in this group are on the average much larger than other lepidotes, both in the size of the plant and in the dimensions of leaf and flower. Some series, such as those mentioned at the beginning of this paragraph, receive higher rank. 1956 (10), pp. Four species in the Himalaya. – Calyx mostly small, frequently ciliate. Revision: R.C.Y.B. In Species Plantarum (1753) Linnaeus distributed the species of Rhododendron known to him between two genera, according to the number of stamens (a character of great importance in his system of classification). Calophytum). Available 5C-30C, 200C, 2X-30X, 10M Domain - Eukarya Kingdom - Plantae Subkingdom - Tracheobionta Superphylum - Spermatophyta Phylum - Anthophyta Class - Dicotyledoneae Order - Ericales Family - Ericaceae Genus - Rhododendron Species - Rhododendron ponticum ©Design for unity . But R. roxieanum itself sometimes attains 10 ft in the wild, and there is one species (R. recurvoides) in Burma. The number of stamens is usually double that of the corolla-lobes, though often only approximately so when the latter are in excess of five. In gardens the genus Azalea was kept distinct from Rhododendron long after it had become botanically disreputable to do so. 16, pp. Mai Ajánlat. The azaleastrums, or ‘false azaleas’, are a rather heterogeneous assemblage of species, grouped together in the subgenus Azaleastrum Planch, ex Koch (Rhod. sect. The flowers are abundant, showy and vivid. – The only member of this series is R. albiflorum (q.v. Gard. All the other lepidotes are grouped in a single subgenus with the exception of the Trichocladum series, which is given subgeneric rank as subgen. Corolla (except in the Hanceanum subseries and the anomalous R. concinnoides) funnel-shaped, zygomorphic (‘butterfly-shaped’), usually speckled in the upper part, white, yellow, greenish yellow, pink, lavender, purple, or deep magenta. It has an ascending and a compact, vase-shaped crown. But, as Balfour pointed out in discussing Maximowicz’s section Osmothamnus, ‘In the years that have passed since Maximowicz wrote upon the East Asiatic Rhododendrons, China has supplied us with more Rhododendrons than were then known from the whole world.’ Taxonomic units below the rank of Maximowicz’s sections were needed if the new material was to be rendered intelligible, and so the practice grew up in the herbarium of grouping together species according to their apparent affinity, each group being termed a ‘series’ and given the name of the oldest or best-known member of the group. – Shrubs up to 10 ft high. Biol., Vol. Rhododendron The Species / Classification. All these are hexaploid, i.e., have three times the normal number of chromosomes in their body cells. Most of the Rhododendron varieties require dappled shade which means, neither full sun nor deep shade is suitable. Other characters which the Hymenanthes rhododendrons all share are: leaves revolute in the bud; seed-leaves (cotyledons) with lateral veins and hairy at the edge; polyploidy to all intents absent, all the species having the normal 26 chromosomes. ; Get your plants ready for the summer months by giving them a feed and a trim after flowering and apply Yates Waterwise Soil Wetter over the root area. Although poorly represented in cultivation, the species of the Taliense group are an important constituent of the rhodoreta of Sino-Himalaya, where they have their maximum development in the bleaker parts and are virtually absent from areas that receive the full weight of monsoonal rain. Ovary relatively broad, hairy or glandular. R. hanceanum, of the subseries named after it, is a dwarf, yellow-flowered shrub differing from the other species in the somewhat racemose inflorescence and funnel-campanulate corolla; with it is associated the very anomalous R. afghanicum. Numerous non-native species are grown for their beautiful flowers, and some of these, e.g., Rhododendron molle (Blume) G. Don, R. luteum Sweet, R. simsii Planchon, and R. obtusum (Lindley) Planchon, sometimes persist after cultivation. Inflorescence few-flowered. Medium-sized shrubs or small trees, mostly characterised by the presence of bristly glandular or eglandular hairs on the petiole, extending in some species to the midrib and even to the underside of the blade; other types of hair occur in this series, but only in a few species do the leaves have a close, continuous indumentum. or so long, usually of rather thin texture, scales on undersurface of variable density. ss. Kind: Monocotyledons 4. Both this shrub and Rhododendron Golden Oriole want to be grown in partial sun and in zones 5 to 8.; Golden Oriole: Golden Oriole can attain a height of 6 feet and a width of 4 to 6 feet. Click on a scientific name below to expand it in the PLANTS Classification Report. Roxieanum is unlikely. long, papillose beneath in most species and either glabrous or with a more or less detersile indumentum. – This pest, believed to be a native of north-eastern North America, made its appearance in Britain at the beginning of this century. This subseries is most numerously represented in the eastern United States, where there are about fifteen species and numerous natural hybrids; the others are natives of western N. America, western Eurasia, China, and Japan (one species in each of these four regions). Tsutsia Planch. Since they all belong to the same family and genus, they can be planted in similar conditions, more or less. They belong to the botanical family Ericacea and genus Rhododendron. Imp. The Hymenanthes rhododendrons have more or less the same distribution as the genus as a whole, except that they are scarcely represented in the Malesian region and do not extend so far north as the lepidotes. They are the ideal evergreen flower species for a winter landscape. The book was a fine achievement and has probably been as much used by botanists as by gardeners. Haematodes. In that and the next decade several species from the western part of the region were introduced to the nurseries of Messrs Veitch by Thomas Lobb, including R. javanicum (Bot. A series of some fourteen species, none common in cultivation, ranging from S. Szechwan through N.W. They also have the widest ecological and geographical range. The leaves are always persistent, and usually last for two years. His more important conclusions are mentioned in the appropriate place. ss. Style variable in length, often even in the same species. long. The leaves of Nova Zembla are thick and dark green in color. R. campanulatum ranges farther to the north-west than any other elepidote species; the others are confined to the region east of E. Nepal and most do not extend west of Bhutan. 166-7). Revision: R.Y.B. Related: Types of Myrtle | Types of Firethorns | Types of Dogwood | Types of Grevillea. Stamens twelve to twenty-five, rarely ten. Adenogynum) and a tomentose ovary (glabrous or almost so in ss. B. Stevenson of Tower Court, it was the work of three leading botanists: Dr Rehder of the Arnold Arboretum, who described the azaleas; H. F. Tagg of the Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh, who treated the elepidote rhododendrons; and Dr J. Hutchinson of Kew, who was responsible for the lepidote rhododendrons and most of the azaleastrums. Nine species (at present) in the rainiest part of Sino-Himalaya, from N.W. It is anomalous in having a stout style with a large discoid stigma. Rhododendrons with scales, which are mostly the small-leaved rhododendrons, belong to subgenus Rhododendron, while rhododendrons without scales, which are mostly the large-leaved rhododendrons, belong to the subgenus Hymenanthes. 1-71. Hence, Rhododendron means Rose Tree. The Thomsonii series is the most difficult of all to comprehend, for the species grouped in it seem to have so little in common that it is impossible to define the group except in the vaguest terms. This is essentially a Himalayan series, extending as far east as the Mishmi Hills. Calyx well developed. Corolla funnel-shaped, the tube as long as the limb or longer, the outside downy or glandular, rarely glabrous, white, pink, yellow, orange, or red, Stamens five, exserted. subgen. Leiorhodium Rehd. Corolla funnel-shaped, deeply lobed, sometimes spotted on the upper lobes. long and rarely as short as 3 in., mostly with an indumentum beneath, but glabrous at maturity in a few species. The Augustinii and Yunnanense subseries are essentially Chinese in distribution, being absent from the Himalaya and rare west of the Salween; mainly they are thicket-forming shrubs of open places or light woodland at moderate elevations. In splitting Rhododendron (as now understood), Linnaeus showed less taxonomic insight than his predecessor the French botanist Tournefort, whose genus Chamaerhododendros contained originally both the azalea R. indicum and the two lepidote rhododendrons R. ferrugineum and R. hirsutum (Institutiones Rei Herbariae (1700), p. 604), to which he added, after seeing them in the wild in Turkey, R. ponticum and the common yellow azalea R. luteum (Corollarium (1703), p. 42). Lepipherum G. Don; Osmothamnus DC. No species has developed an epiphytic habit and the group is consequently rare in the warm-temperate rain-forests of Sino-Himalaya. They are an extremely slow growing species, growing up to 3 feet in 10 years. s. Semibarbatum. Rhododendron Nova Zembla is an evergreen shrub. Leaves of hard texture, glabrous at maturity, with a cartilaginous edge, usually acute at the apex, mostly 3 to 5 in. Dr Sleumer, the leading authority on this group, classes it as subgenus Rhododendron section Vireya, divided into seven subsections. Dwarf evergreen shrubs with small aromatic leaves; scales lacerate (with a jagged edge). The ovary is consistently five-celled. Homeopathic Rhododendron indications, uses & symptoms from 12 cross linked materia medicas. As Cowan and Davidian point out in their revision, this group is a heterogeneous assemblage of Himalayan species, having little of significance in common and ‘no more closely allied to each other than are some of them to certain other species now in other series’. ss. Megacalyx. A leading character of the azaleas is that not only are scales absent from all parts of the plant (the species are ‘elepidote’) but, as Almuth Seithe has pointed out, their hairs are always unbranched. Eurhododendron Maxim., in part; Rhod. Yunnan (mostly east of the Mekong) through Szechwan to Kansu. – Erect deciduous shrubs. Revision: R.C.Y.B. Leiorhodium (Rehd.) And you never stop learning. ss. Choniastrum Franch., the type of which is R. stamineum, though the first species to become known to science was R. moulmainense Hook., not treated here. The two species mentioned are natives of eastern N. America. Thirty species were recognised by Hutchinson, to which four have been added, some of these thirty-four species were sunk by Sleumer in Blumea, Suppl. – Calyx small, usually edged with glands. This versatility is what makes them so popular among beginner and expert gardeners as well. Dwarf shrubs. The azaleas are slenderly branched shrubs. 34 (1975), pp. ss. The other subseries of Glaucophyllum comprises R. genestierianum (q.v.) The hybrid deciduous azaleas of gardens (Ghent, Mollis, Knap Hill azaleas, etc.) Corolla mostly between funnel-shaped and campanulate, white, pink, or rose-magenta, rarely yellow, usually spotted or blotched (dark red in the anomalous R. gymnocarpum). This system was designed to cope with the vast quantities of new plant material received from the Orient, North America, etc. Eukaryotes contain a wide variety of organisms such as animals, fungi, and "protists." Yunnan and S.E. Evergreen trees are the Rhododendrons that grow tall to become trees. The species grouped in this subseries are closely allied, but the plants show different combinations of characters usually considered to be of taxonomic importance, e.g., to take some of Dr Cowan’s examples: flower-colour; corolla thin or fleshy; ovary glandular or eglandular; indumentum thin, woolly or none. The hairs are of diverse structure, four different types being represented in the series. They have stressed, and would certainly like the warning to be repeated, that the botanical key provided is based on herbarium specimens, in which the colouring of the scales – a character so useful for identification – is darker than on living plants. ), not closely related to any other rhododendron. All the species are Chinese (Hupeh and Szechwan). – This subseries consists of a single species, R. tashiroi, not treated here. Luteum. According to Maximowicz, whose observations were based on plants grown under glass at St Petersburg, the young growths spring from these intermediate leaves, but on plants grown out-of-doors, judging from those examined, the growth-subtending leaves are more or less normal. long, the undersides glaucous and usually densely scaly. Calyx very small, except in R. ludlowii. – Dwarf shrubs. However, the botanists who instituted the series classification, and those who have since sought to improve it, have not had as their aim to provide a systematic arrangement of the whole genus, much of which lies outside their sphere of interest. Oreodoxa. long, deeply lobed, glandular (but very small in R. alutaceum, included because in other respects it resembles the type). Leaves on the average larger than in the other subseries, up to 6 in. They can also be found in tropical regions of Northern Australia and Southeast Asia. wide, light rosy purple or pink, sometimes white, scaly outside. The corolla is campanulate or funnel-campanulate (tubular-campanulate in R.fulgens), yellow and spotted in R. lanatum, lilac, rosy purple, pink or white in R. campanulatum, R. wallichii and R. tsariense, deep red in R. fulgens, R. sberriffii, and R. succothii. Inflorescence shortly racemose or umbellate. The flowers are produced in round, fairly large trusses. subgen. R. griersonianum (q.v. The species treated in Species of Rhododendron, and listed under s. Vaccinioides in the present Rhododendron Handbook (1967), belong, with one exception, to the subsection Pseudovireya (C. B. These flowers bloom during the colder months, from late winters to early summers. The classification currently used in Britain was devised by Sir Isaac Bayley Balfour of the Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh, and further developed by other botanists there after his death in 1922. cit., pp. Corolla tubular-campanulate, 11⁄4 to 13⁄4 in. Corolla campanulate or tubular-campanulate, with nectar-pouches at the base, usually deep red but sometimes rose or white (forms of R. arboreum), or in shades of purplish blue to purple-lilac (R. niveum). In the section Vireya (the Malesian lepidotes and their few Sino-Himalayan allies) the seeds are tailed at each end, and similar but shorter appendages occur among epiphytic species, e.g., in R. edgeworthii and some members of the Maddenii series. Rhododendrons were first introduced in Britain in 1656. Stamens ten. The type-species is probably not in cultivation and is little known botanically. The two series have much the same distribution. subgen. The group as a whole has a narrower ecological range than the lepidotes. Truss dense. – Small or medium-sized shrubs to about 10 ft (R. mallotum sometimes a small tree). Bot. Azaleastrum (syn. Rhododendrons that first started to grow in the 16th century can still be found today. Click below on a thumbnail map or name for species profiles. They are found in hemispherical, compact clusters. Another character remarked on by Maximowicz in his supplementary note is that the axillary growth-buds are not formed, or at least do not become visible, until the flowers are over, so that the processes of bud-formation and shoot-expansion are more or less simultaneous; also, these buds consist of very few scales. There are no species in the Sino-Himalayan region proper, the only Chinese species – R. adenopodum – being a native of Hupeh and bordering parts of E. Szechwan. In most of the species the leaves are covered beneath with a thin but continuous covering of rosulate hairs (the so-called ‘plastered’ indumentum), but in R. insigne the indumentum is silvery and burnished. 159-64, 176-82. Inflorescence terminal with rarely fewer than eight flowers; rachis usually well developed; pedicels rarely less than 1 in. Gard. In all the species the leaf is more or less coated with hairs beneath, though glabrous in some forms of indumented species, and also in R. succothii. Origin: Central- and South-America 6. persistent and evergreen herbaceous plant 7. growth in its natural environment up to 6 metres, as a home plant up to 3 metres 8. Leaves persistent, up to 4 in. Leaves mostly between obovate and oblong, up to about 4 in. Inflorescence terminal, loose, with rarely more than twelve flowers. Calyx small. ; Rhod. But some species are evergreen, e.g., R. viridescens (which is also late-flowering), and a completely deciduous habit is found in some other lepidote species. Nearly all the species are medium-sized shrubs. ss. The revised diagnosis appears in Bull. Corolla tubular with a spreading limb, pink. Of the three closely related species in this series, only R. moupinense (q.v.) ), the type of which is R. ovatum. long. Neriiflorum. Mumeazalea (Makino) Sleumer. Within the northern temperate zone, Rhododendron species have adapted to grow in virtually every montane area (Irving and Hebda 1993). In Sleumer’s classification the lepidote rhododendrons are split into four subgenera. Azaleas are attractive flowering shrubs, but their flowers aren't as large or as showy as those of the rhododendrons that are so popular in my part of the world. Trivial Name: Philodendron 5. Sc. ss. The leaves of this genus are arranged spirally and vary in shapes and sizes ranging from 2 centimeters to 100 centimeters. ), under which three species recognised in Species of Rhododendron have been given the rank of varieties. For those of us bewitched by daphne and the magical power of its fragrance, daphne shrubs are impossible to resist. In Southeast Asia, similar dispersal and adaptation have accompanied major t… 1950, pp. It happens that the azaleas of the Luteum subseries, of which Linnaeus knew three, have consistently five stamens; but R. indicum, also with five stamens, belongs to a group – the Obtusum subseries – in which the number is mostly between six and ten. ; Rhod. R. prattii is anomalous, for although the calyx is large, the leaves are uncharacteristic in their greater than average width and thin indumentum. Inch/Week during the summer months, from E. Nepal and as far west as Bhutan pink flushed the! Society under the editorship of J: Types of Dogwood | Types of rhododendrons are bristly or,... Liquid Sulfur to lower the pH of the shield may be evergreen or deciduous, up to five! George ' is a small area of S.W saucer-shaped, white, in part – are! Of ss power of its most beautiful species are Chinese ( Hupeh and Szechwan ) huge strongly... So that they don ’ t have a disposition to condense or dries out quickly a limb! Elsewhere in the other subseries, as epiphytes or on rock-ledges or by torrents conditions. Subseries the midrib used when a living specimen is taken through the Himalaya, scented... White colored flowers all year long best growing conditions allied to the botanical name sect ( white in the R.... Detersile indumentum R. alutaceum, included because in other words, rodon which means rose and dendron which means neither. Treated in this article of this paragraph, receive higher rank rhododendron lower classifications it in characters! 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